Hi, I am Carlos Azócar.

A Full-Stack Developer.

Independent and proactive. I develop with dedication, breathing life into each line of code with care, commitment, and enthusiasm.


YouTube Media Downloader

YT media downloader created with Next.js and ytdl-core.

  • TS
  • React
  • Next.js


Classic Tetris game created with Canvas, vanilla JavaScript and CSS.

  • JS
  • Vite
  • CSS

URL Shortener

URL Shortener that uses my own API created with Express and MongoDB.

  • Astro
  • Express
  • MongoDB

Echo AI assistant

An AI voice assistant created with Next.js, Groq, VAD and Elevenlabs.

  • Next.js
  • Groq
  • VAD
  • Elevenlabs

Screen Recorder

A screen recorder developed with JS, Astro and Tailwind CSS.

  • Astro
  • JS
  • Tailwind CSS




Professional Internship: Developer

September 2023 - December 2023

Development of a web management system for documents and resources.

The implementation of the web system brought the following benefits to the company: efficient task automation, remote access to information, centralization and organization of resources, data security, and improvement in data-driven decision-making.

Django - Python - Tailwind CSS - JS - HTML

Logo TV Costa

TV Costa

Work Placement: Developer

February 2023 - March 2023

Maintenance, error correction, and implementation of new functionalities for the company's website.

Website maintenance, error fixes, and enhancements yielded notable improvements for the company, ensuring a secure, efficient, and feature-rich online environment.

Wordpress - PHP



Full Stack JS Course

I'm currently enrolled in the certified Full Stack Open online course, which is based on JavaScript and offered by the University of Helsinki.

  • JS
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • GraphSQL
  • TS

Real-Time Chat Course

I completed a Full Stack project following a real-time chat course akin to Messenger, which enabled me to delve into Front-End, Back-End, Authentication with other platforms, as well as real-time features such as user status and messaging.

  • Next.js
  • Pusher
  • Prisma
  • MongoDB
  • NextAuth
